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el.style.width = Math.floor(parseInt(el.style.width) * difference) + 'px'; } function adjustTextParameters(element, heightD, widthD) { if( element.firstChild.style.backgroundSize) return; //covering the 'static height' banner case if (heightD === 0) heightD = widthD; let sumDifference = (parseFloat(heightD) + parseFloat(widthD)) / 2; let textElements = element.querySelectorAll('[data-font-size="true"]'); //adjusting text size if (textElements.length > 0) { textElements.forEach(textEl => { let fs = parseInt(textEl.style.fontSize); textEl.style.fontSize = Math.floor(fs * sumDifference) + 'px'; }); } else { let textRaw = element.getElementsByTagName('p'); if (textRaw.length !== 0) { textRaw[0].style.fontSize = Math.floor(15 * sumDifference) + 'px'; } else { if (element.getElementsByTagName('span').length > 0) { element.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.fontSize = Math.floor(15 * sumDifference) + 'px'; } } } //adjusting line heights let alignedElements = element.querySelectorAll('[data-line-height="true"]'); alignedElements.forEach(textEl => { let fs = parseFloat(textEl.style.lineHeight); !document.getElementById('preview-content-container') ? textEl.style.lineHeight = Math.floor(fs * heightD) + 'px' : textEl.style.lineHeight = Math.floor(fs * heightD) + 5 + 'px' }); } function filterPopUpsByAttribute(themes, attribute, value) { var filteredArray = []; for (var i=0; i <= themes.length-1; i++) { if(themes[i].getAttribute(attribute) === value && !themes[i].getAttribute('scaled')) { filteredArray.push(themes[i]); } } return filteredArray } function positionThemes(themes) { if(themes.length) themes.map(theme => positionFullScreenTheme(theme)) } // end before rules // start display rules if (window['isShowId100397']) { window['isShowId100397'] = false; var whichPages = JSON.parse('[{"option":"homepage","value":""}]'); for(var i in whichPages){ if(whichPages[i].option == 'homepage'){ if(document.location.pathname == '/' && document.location.search == ''){ window['isShowId100397'] = true; } } if(whichPages[i].option == 'contains'){ if(document.location.search.indexOf(whichPages[i].value) != -1){ window['isShowId100397'] = true; 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window['isShowId100397'] = false; //} var timestampInterval = 5 var nowFullDate = new Date(); let currentMonth = nowFullDate.getMonth() + 1 var nowDate = new Date( nowFullDate.getFullYear(), currentMonth, nowFullDate.getDate() ).getTime(); timestampInterval = timestampInterval * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; if (0 === 0 && window.innerWidth > 768 || 0 === 1 && window.innerWidth <= 768) { if (localStorage.getItem('dayShowInterval100397') != timestampInterval) { localStorage.setItem('dayShowInterval100397', timestampInterval); localStorage.setItem('timestampInterval100397', nowDate + timestampInterval); window['isShowId100397'] = true; } if (localStorage.getItem('timestampInterval100397') <= nowDate) { localStorage.setItem('timestampInterval100397', nowDate + timestampInterval, timestampInterval); window['isShowId100397'] = true; } } } localStorage.setItem('mp-priority100397', 3); if(window['isShowId100397']){ localStorage.removeItem('time100397') //window['hideModal100397'](); var maxSecond = 1; setTimeout(function(){ window['showModal100397'](); localStorage.setItem('time100397', 'end') //console.log('Least-Page ---- In FIle'); //localStorage.setItem('mp-priority', 2) }, maxSecond * 1000); } // end display rules }; init(); // adjustments logic (() => { let powered = document.getElementsByClassName('powered-by-link'); for (let i = 0; i < powered.length; ++i) powered[i].style.fontFamily = `'Proxima Nova Rg', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif`; // Window load > DOMContentLoaded const createdPopups = document.querySelectorAll('.mypopups-substare'); // Show every Pop-up for (let i = 0; i < createdPopups.length; ++i) { let positioning = createdPopups[i].getAttribute('positioning'); let fixedPrevention = ['banner']; if (fixedPrevention.includes(positioning)) { createdPopups[i].style.position = ''; } } })(); // start after rules // start positioning logic let popups = document.getElementsByClassName('mypopups-substare'), rgbaToAlpha = (popup) => popup.style.backgroundColor.replace(/^.*,(.+)\)/, '$1'), getPosition = (popup) => popup.attributes.positioning.value, getBG = (popup) => { if (typeof popup.style.background != 'undefined') return (popup.style.background === 'transparent'); else return false; }, isClose = (popup) => { if (typeof popup.attributes.onclick != 'undefined') return popup.attributes.onclick.value.includes('onClosePreview'); else return false; }, getMobile = (popup) => popup.attributes.mobile.value; let reposition = (popup, pos) => { if (pos == 'undefined' || pos == '""' || pos.length == 0) position = 'center'; else position = pos; if (position != 'banner') { let modal = popup.querySelector('.mypopups-modal'); let left = modal.style.left; let right = modal.style.right; let mheight = parseInt(modal.style.height.slice(0, -2)); let mwidth = parseInt(modal.style.width.slice(0, -2)); if (mheight % 2 !== 0) modal.style.height = `${mheight-1}px`; if (mwidth % 2 !== 0) modal.style.width = `${mwidth-1}px`; if (position == 'center') { modal.style.top = `calc(50% - ${mheight / 2}px)`; modal.style.transform = ''; } if ((!right && (!left || left == 'auto')) || pos === 'undefined') { if (position != 'center') { modal.style.top = ''; modal.style.left = '0'; modal.style.right = '0'; 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i++) { let font = fonts[i].trim(); if (font.length == 0) continue; if (font.includes('cursive')) { font = font.replace(' cursive', ''); font = font.trim(); } if (!filtered.includes(font)) filtered.push(font); } return filtered; } function testFonts(fonts, callback) { if (typeof document.fonts == 'undefined') callback(); else if (typeof document.fonts.check == 'undefined') callback(); else { let loaded = [], created = []; let intervaler, i = 0; function entireCheck() { for (let i = 0; i < fonts.length; ++i) { if (loaded.includes(fonts[i])) continue; if (!created.includes(fonts[i])) { let isBold = (fonts[i].slice(0,4) == 'bold'); let font = (isBold) ? fonts[i].slice(9) : fonts[i].slice(4); let fontNameForId = fonts[i].replace(/\"/g, '').replace(/\ /g, ''); let el = document.createElement('mpu'); el.style.visibility = 'hidden'; el.style.fontSize = '300px'; el.style.position = 'fixed'; el.style.left = '-9999px'; el.style.opacity = '0'; el.style.setProperty('font-family', font, 'important'); el.innerText = fontNameForId + 'giItT1WQy@!-/#'; el.setAttribute('id', `mpu-font-${fontNameForId}`); created.push(fonts[i]); if (isBold) el.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; document.body.appendChild(el); } if (document.fonts.check(fonts[i]) || fonts[i] == '1em Cormorant') { let fontNameForId = fonts[i].replace(/\"/g, '').replace(/\ /g, ''); loaded.push(fonts[i]); document.getElementById(`mpu-font-${fontNameForId}`).remove(); } } } entireCheck(); if (loaded.length == fonts.length) { clearInterval(intervaler); setTimeout(() => { callback(); }, 150); return; } intervaler = setInterval(() => { entireCheck(); i += 100; if (loaded.length >= fonts.length || i >= 10000) { clearInterval(intervaler); callback(); } }, 100); } } let popupInCase = document.getElementById('mypopups-substrate-100397'); let fontsScrape = filterFonts(checkFonts((typeof popup == 'object')?popup:popupInCase)); testFonts(fontsScrape, () => { afterAllFontsDone(); }); function afterAllFontsDone() { // Window load > DOMContentLoaded const createdPopups = document.querySelectorAll('.mypopups-substare'); // Hide in WordPress customiser let thisVisibility = 'visible'; if (typeof wp !== 'undefined') if (typeof wp.customize !== 'undefined' || typeof elementor === 'object') thisVisibility = 'hidden'; // Show every Pop-up for (let i = 0; i < createdPopups.length; ++i) if (createdPopups[i].parentNode.style.visibility != thisVisibility) createdPopups[i].parentNode.style.visibility = thisVisibility; } } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { MyPopUpsInternalScript(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', function () { MyPopUpsInternalScript(); }); } })();